Her Bridge Voice is an electronic journal devoted to giving voice to women in the world of bridge. This includes players, directors, writers, teachers, creators, organizers, planners, clients, entrepreneurs, professionals, sisters, mothers, wives, and daughters. Women who love the game.
We welcome non-fiction prose, interviews, reviews, stories, humour, biographies, history, lessons, artwork and photography.
Because we are an online journal, there are no restrictions as to length however please be aware we favour shorter pieces (under 2000 words) over longer pieces.
Her Bridge Voice does not pay contributors.
We do not accept works that have been previously published online in any other electronic journal or contest or blog or social media account. We are an online journal and Google does not favour duplicate content.
If your piece has been published off-line (in print) and you own reproduction rights to it, we will happily consider the work and will include publication details if published. This can include magazine articles, excerpts from printed manuscripts and books, items from newspapers, and print journals.
Photography and Artwork can also be previously published - we do not require first world rights to this kind of submission.
For previously unpublished work that we choose to publish in this journal, Her Bridge Voice acquires First World Electronic (Online/Internet) Rights: a one time, non-exclusive use of Electronic Rights, with all rights reverting to the author upon publication. Should an author choose to re-publish work elsewhere, in print or on the web, we ask that Her Bridge Voice be credited as the original publisher.
Every submission will receive equal reading. Writers of all ages, genders, cultures, and lifestyles are invited to submit but as a women-centered publication we will be favouring those submitted by women.
Please submit your writings, artwork, reviews, and photography directly to us
Her Bridge Voice does not have publication deadlines. We will be publishing works as they come in.
Please submit your work in what you consider to be a finished state at the time of submission. We do accept revisions, preferably before publication, although we have been known to correct small errors post-launch.
Submit prose and poetry in .docx or .txt format. Do not use any special formatting, tabs or fonts as these will not carry over to our platform. Please include your name and other information (we will publish a link to your site or book shop if you wish) at the top of the document.
If you are wanting to submit an article with hand diagrams, please see special formatting requests at the bottom of this page.
Submit artwork or photos as webp files if possible. We also accept jpg and png formats. Optimal size is 2000 pixels across.
Once published, your work will remain on our substack & domain permanently. Similar to printed journals, we will not be able to remove anything from any issue.
If you’re sending us a graphic representation of hand or bidding diagrams, please send it as a jpg or png file along with your document.
If you’re sending us your bridge story with bidding and hand diagrams within the text of the document, please use the following formatting:
Suit Symbols
Spade - xsx
Heart - xhx
Diamond - xdx
Club - xcx
Bidding Diagrams and Hands
Please use tabs
Creating a Bridge Base Online Play View
OR: If you would like us to produce a bridgebase play view then please send us the deals in this way (where eg sxxx = cards):
And Auction Board number etc also as a text string:
Auction: a=pp4sppp
Dealer: d=e (or w or s or n)
Vulnerability: v=b (or - or e or n)
Board number b=26 (or whichever)
South has Clubs 10 5 Diamonds K Q 10 3 Hearts 8 3 Spades Q J 4 2 etc
Dealer North. Vul Both. Board 1.
Bidding Pass Pass 4S All Pass