This Newsletter is to wish all the Venice Cup teams well for the championship and to acknowledge their great achievement.
Excerpt from newsletter, see link above
It also aims to encourage women across the globe to take an interest and follow the world’s best by kibitzing online. The players’ goals and achievements can be aspired to by all women as they make their own Bridge journey.
Mark Horton sets the scene for us with his piece ‘Death in Venice’ and Jill Meyers, who holds the all-time record of four-time winner of the Venice Cup, is interviewed. We wish Jill well as she goes for an awe-inspiring number five! Janice Seamon-Molson, World Champion, Professional and retired Administrator, gives an insight to her Bridge journey. Thank you to all three.
WBF Women’s Festival BBO Online, the brainchild of Anna Maria Torlontano, has been in operation for many years and is growing in strength. Deborah Smith, New Zealand, is the winner of President Jan Kamras’ prize of free entry with partner of choice, to the next WBF Transnational Women’s Pairs. BBO was also very generous in its sponsorship. The Autumn Festival is November 6th to 12th .
We have an invite for you to play in an online WBF Women’s teams on RealBridge in October and we ask you to show your interest. Congratulations to a Venice Cup player, Liz McGowan, who was inducted into the EBL Hall of Fame in June.
It was not possible for all teams to contribute this time but you will find their profiles with photos on the next page.
Thank you to Contributors for allowing us to taste a little of the Venice Cup story for players of Venice Cup 2023. Without your input this Newsletter would not be possible.
Thank you! Mary Kelly Rogers, Editor